Blake Payton


Blake has called this city home for over 15 years, where he’s developed a deep love for its history and unique neighborhoods.

A graduate of Johnson and Wales University with a degree in hospitality, Blake prides himself on his customer service skills. His joy lies in guiding people through the often-confusing world of real estate transactions and making the process as simple as possible.

But what truly sets Blake apart are the relationships he builds throughout the process. His clients often become friends, a testament to his unwavering commitment to best serving them. Beyond the world of real estate, faith is a cornerstone in his life, imbuing his work with integrity, compassion, and a sense of purpose.

With Blake by your side, you’re not just gaining a Realtor; you’re welcoming a trusted friend into your real estate journey, someone who cherishes every moment of guiding you to your next home.


Blake’s Awards and Designations

Phone: 704 930 8869