Junpai Dowdy

Junpai Dowdy


Former national contending D1 track and field athlete, Junpai Dowdy, was born and raised in Charlotte NC. Born to a Japanese Mother and African American Father. His upbringing was unique, from an early age he was put into a magnet school and was exposed to many different cultures and lifestyles. Over his life, this has allowed him to view situations from many angles and adapt accordingly.

He chose to attend North Carolina State University and earned a Bachelor of Science while competing in Track and Field. His competitive nature and drive for success led him to be a national contending athlete. After graduating from North Carolina State University, he found that he needed to find a career to fuel his competitive appetence. Soon after getting into the real estate industry joy overwhelmed him. Not only was he able to compete at a high level, but he was also helping people achieve their life goals. Right now, he is racing to help numerous people. Who knows? It could be you.


Junpai’s Awards and Designations

Phone: 980 613 9302